What is a Confidential Contact Person (CCP)?

The confidential contact person (CCP) is the first point of contact within The JYM Movement for anyone who has a question about or is dealing with transgressive behaviour. The CCP acts as the first shelter for members (athletes, parents of athletes, volunteers, board) with a complaint or question. They offer a listening ear, give advice and refer for suitable help. In addition, they advise and encourage The JYM Movement to take preventive measures.

The CCPs will not deal with the content of the complaints themselves, but will try to show you the way to a good solution.

The CCPs are aware of the options available to get help. They can inform you about the procedures and possible follow-up steps or refer you to a specialized confidential advisor from the NOC*NSF center Veiligesport.nl, who are trained to provide substantive guidance. In a confidential conversation they help you tell your story. For example, about issues such as doping, match fixing, eating disorders, bullying, discrimination, aggression and sexual intimidation.

Why a Confidential Contact Person?

We believe it is important to provide a physically and socially safe environment. That is why we have appointed two Confidential Contacts Persons. 
They form the central point of contact to ensure that the way in which we interact within The JYM Movement remains fun and safe.

Training Confidential Contact Person

Both Confidential Contact Persons have followed and successfully completed the Training for Confidential Contact Person in sports at  Gemeente Amsterdam – Sociaal Domein.

Prevention is better then to cure

The CCP is also there for questions that can arise before there are problems.
You can go to a CCP with questions that you do not easily ask or that you are afraid that will not be answered seriously. This applies to trainers, members, parents and supervisors.
In addition: reporting quickly, talking about it and making sure that an undesired situation is ended (early) prevents it from getting worse and recurrence can also be prevented in this way.

When can you contact The JYM Movement’s Confidential Contact Person?

If you have any questions about whether the way of dealing with each other within your association is correct, you are welcome to contact the CCP.
The questions you may have are about:

  • Bullying and being bullied.
  • Feeling that you don’t belong because of your skin color, religion or sexual preference.
  • Cross-border behaviour: you experience the way in which you are approached and/or touched by a team member, trainer or coach as unpleasant.
  • A suspicion of “unacceptable behavior: you think that someone in your immediate environment has to deal with this.
  • You are concerned about the way in which your child is treated within the association/team.
  • You wonder whether your behavior as a trainer and/or coach is sensible.
  • Someone has accused you, directly or indirectly, of unacceptable behavior.
  • The fact whether your question to the confidential counselor of The JYM Movement is in the right place.

How confidential is a 
Confidential Contact Person?

It will be clear that it can be important to also involve other people in a question or problem, but this will never happen without consultation and permission!
No one will be informed about the conversations that take place between you and the CCP, without you:

  1. have given permission for
  2. are aware of

The activities of the CCP fall under the responsibility of the directors of The JYM Movement. At the end of the year, the CCP reports to this board whether there have been reports, of what nature these reports were and how progress and closure have taken place.

What is the 
Confidential Contact Person not for?

In principle, the CCP is there for incidents, suspicions of incidents and questions about this that take place or have taken place between the association and members or where there is a relationship between activities within a swimming association and the person(s) involved. When in doubt: discuss with the CCP whether your question is in the right place with her/him. The CCP will not receive and/or guide people personally. If further care is necessary, this will always take place outside The JYM Movement, with the consent of the person(s) involved

How do I get in touch with the CCP’s and who are they?

Stefan van Horssen can be reached via stefan.vcp.jym@gmail.com, you can read more about Stefan, here
Jeff Mclean Carr can be reached at jeff.vcp.jym@gmail.com, you can read more about Jeff, here. 

Confidential contactperson annual reports